Auto Enrolment Summary
This window shows all related information about an employee's pension.
(Hover over with your mouse to see the sample image in full size.)
- No prerequisites.
Rules and Guidelines
- Click this link to view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Auto-Enrolment Pensions.
Field Information
The reference number of the main pension scheme the employee is attached to.
The reference number of the main pension scheme the employee is attached to. This is a 20-character alphanumeric field.
Scheme Number for employees with multiple pension schemes. Used for pension reporting during and at the end of the Pension year.
The reference number for employee's to attached Pension 2nd scheme. This is a 20-character alphanumeric field.
This field displays pensions that rely on a base pensionable value in addition to current pensionable gross. The value on this field is used in conjunction with the setting in Payroll to define the amount of base pensionable pay to add to the pensionable pay calculated by the system.
The date (format 'DDMMYYYY') the employee is enrolled into the pension scheme in compliance with the Workplace Pension Reform.
Below are the different categories of workers:
1) E = Eligible
- A job holder who is aged between 22 and state pension age.
2) N = Non-eligible
- A job holder who is aged between 16 and 21 or state pension age and 74.
- Is aged between 16 and 74 has qualifying earnings below the earnings trigger for automatic enrollment.
3) W = Entitled Worker
- A worker who is aged between 16 and 74.
- Is working or ordinarily works in the UK under their contract.
- Does not have qualifying earnings.
4) X = Excluded
- A worker who is excluded from pension.
The date (format 'DDMMYYYY') the employee has opted out of the pension scheme in compliance with the Workplace Pension Reform.
The reference number applied to the pension scheme.
The date (format 'DDMMYYYY') that pension deductions commence in compliance with the Workplace Pension Reform. A range of no more than one year forward from, or three weeks prior to the system date must be used. The employee must have the pension deduction code attached to their record with an 'S' marker denoting 'Stopped'.
The date (format 'DDMMYYYY') that the employee selected to suspend the work place pension scheme.
The date (format 'DDMMYYYY') the employee joined the pension scheme. Completion of this field is optional.
The date (format 'DDMMYYYY') the employee left the pension scheme.